Net Zero Emissions & Human interactions with Space

Before human beings can venture realistically into space the economics, finance and business models that can support this have first to be designed. At present human civilization can barely afford to send  unmanned missions to mars. The kind of finance these projects need is immense and the design of the financial system and how business functions within it would have to evolve. A Split Velocity economic model has the kind of financial muscle that makes the exploration of and habitation of space feasible. The exploration of space needs an economy that can double or even triple GDP in 2 - 3 years raising incredibly vast sums of finance for governments and businesses to be able to settle and build cities in space. The SV-Tech financial system is able to do this. 

Once you have had the opportunity to understand a Split Velocity model it becomes clear quite early on that an SV-Tech economy easily wipes out traditional economic problems faced today such as poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment and inflation or deflation mostly experienced by developing economies. It makes light work of what today are considered insurmountable economic problems. Food security and the ability to feed, clothe, house humanity which are challenges today are simply not challenges for a Split Velocity model. Over time the SV-Tech economy’s capacity to increase resources invested in research and development means the Technology Paradigm will simply continue to advance reducing how long it takes to build infrastructure, equipment and goods and services. It would seem an SV-Tech economic model is designed precisely for financing large scale investments equivalent to GDP, the only kind of projects that fit this profile are projects as large as off-world cities.

The enormous economic power of SV-Tech is more suitable for financing large scale industries or projects such as:

Push to net-zero emissions in heavy industry
Ending global warming
Large scale mass production and manufacturing
Construction of new propulsion systems, airlines, transport infrastructure (roads, canals, bridges)
The capacity to build new cities from scratch
Artificial Intelligence, virtual worlds, manipulation of gravity, R & D, scientific research and Construction of large-scale scientific projects purely for the advancement of human knowledge e.g. Hydron Collider
Space Industries: e.g. space exploration: building manned or unmanned missions, rockets and other propulsion systems, moon cranes, space elevators, hyperloop trains and tubes that reach into space, large space stations, space tourism and hotels, orbital cities or large-scale cities in space, terraforming planets for mining purposes
Energy and Telecommunications

A Split Velocity financial model grows GDP geometrically. It grows GDP very, very quickly, it is so powerful it would require ongoing large scale projects worth hundreds of billions of dollars otherwise it would remain idle and its full potential would never be realized. The system needs to be fed appropriate scalar economic challenges. Thus far we tend to view habitations in space as temporary or intermediary abodes as people wait in transit to move onto a planet. The opposite of this may be true in the sense that human beings begin to view artificial dwellings built and accommodated in space as their permanent dwellings and time spent on planets as temporary excursions. When it comes to investment in off-world living areas understanding this is essential because building a permanent dwelling place in space holds much greater real-estate value than building a structure that is considered temporary such as a space station. Once it is identified that living in space may become the preferred long term choice this, for now, becomes more of a priority than the search for habitable planets. In essence it means that in value terms developers can contemplate that building artificial off-world cities would be more valuable than discovering a  habitable planet and develop a construction plan and business model for how this kind of investment would work. This requires a change in mind-set. It actually becomes practical to start imagining, designing, planning these cities, how artificial gravity would be deployed and how to get such large pay-loads into space which may be the next natural progression for companies that already build large ocean going cruise-liners. The same technology would be applied except on a much larger scale. It would become practical to revisit ideas such as the use of space elevators or cranes anchored in space or linking the earth and the moon to hoist extremely large payloads into space which would allow large scale sectional manufacturing of these cities on earth for assembly in space via crane operators using space elevators. The estimated cost of a Space elevator is US$90 billion. This cost is reasonable where the purpose is for building off-world cities where the return on investment of owning a rig such as this would be significant for companies that have this kind of infrastructure.

The technology for building Space elevators is 
available today.

A venture such as this might require the conceptualization of a city able to eventually grow to a critical mass of about 10 million people. By applying economies of scale to off-world cities the grander the vision and the projects the more economically viable they may become. Every square inch of the city and how it functions would be first built using Virtual Reality (VR),  CGI and it would essentially be anchored in space, but like a vessel be capable of mobility. Once the city is planned and demographic is identified mortgages could be sold to governments, businesses, professionals and anyone attracted by this investment worldwide thereby raising the capital required to make actual construction viable within an acceptable time frame. Some people could mortgage their homes to finance the construction of a second apartment in space knowing it will be a long term appreciating asset. People and families could be involved by designing their homes with planners, having these living areas rendered into CGI and VR and these plans integrated into modules that are built to specification. Specialized sections of the city will attract different investors, for example, a section of the city can consist of companies buying up real estate for labs, others for manufacturing, it should not be forgotten that the large population expected on the city will be a significant market for businesses looking to set up shop giving them a strategic reason to have real estate in the city. Many corporations around the world with deep pockets may entertain the idea of moving their headquarters and staff off-world and fund the construction of their off-world real-estate as well as that of their staff offering a means of raising investment revenue. It should not be forgotten that an off-world city design able to eventually grow to accommodate a large population creates new means of generating income since since the population and its demand for goods and services will generate tremendous amounts of revenue.

By including the mining of asteroids in their business plan
cities could raise finance for investment in off-world cities.
Materials from asteroids processed in space would help 
to build new cities using in-stu-resource utilization.

The city itself could be registered as a corporate entity and eventually have an IPO to raise funds for construction through the stock market or municipal bonds could be issued to raise funds. This would be done leveraging the fact that the mining of asteroids, which will become one of the first commercial activities when the city starts to become functional could make these shares significantly valuable in the future. The entire business model, recycling systems, atmosphere, communication, methods of mobility, how to harness gravity, urban planning and ecosystem of these cities, how people buy or lease commercial and personal real estate on these off-world cities and would live and work on them permanently becomes financially feasible for real estate developers working with specialists in the space industry who now simply enlarge their vision from developments on earth to cities in space. They would of course have a business model that includes the mining of asteroids and other commercial ventures in space that sustain the business model of the cities they develop. The quality of life, job opportunities, schools, universities, activities, entertainment, and amenities on these projects is what would sell them, like any other real estate project and it could be financed by issuing mortgages to a wide audience (both private and commercial) who buy into their share or stake as permanent residents for the off-world city project. It takes a huge workforce for ship building companies like Meyer Werft from Germany, STX Europe and Fincantieri from Italy but the collaboration with space industries the workforce required to build off-world cities on a workable business plan could not only create hundreds of thousands of jobs, but could also increase the demand for raw materials, architects, welders, carpenters and other needs that in general spur economic activity. A cruise ship is made of many modules, however, for the construction of off-world cities the entire cruise liner itself may only be a tiny module that once completed in space is attached to a growing city.

How cruise liners are built can provide ideas of how
to build on this scale. When it comes to space an entire cruise liner
would only be a very tiny module that attaches to the ring shaped off world city.
Change in Mindset: For space to become accessible we 
have to think big, of permanent cities and millions of inhabitants. 

It may be expensive and mind boggling to initially set up the infrastructure such as space cranes and elevators or vacuum tubes that reach all the way into space to ferry people and heavy duty goods cheaply, however, these investments will significantly lower construction costs. Knowledge of the fact that human beings will ultimately prefer to live in tailor made cities off-world rather than on habitable planets would in and of itself be an indication that this type of venture has a viable business model. Once the off-world industry is up and running, in essence, it means humanity's population growth, without a habitable planet to migrate to is not a concern, as growing populations will be in demand for the industries that build these cities. Although space elevators and hyperloop tubes into space may be used heavily for transporting heavy duty cargo these methods are likely to be slow. Most people would probably prefer to head back into space atop rockets in capsules where they can be in space and back home after a short timely jump. Heading into space on rockets will most likely become as popular and populous as air travel today.

Artists impression of vacuum tube into space

The enormous economic power of an economy managed on SV-Tech (Split Velocity) will simply continue to grow and human beings are not only needed to drive consumption but may opt to move in dwellings off-world. This condition will reverse many of the challenges humanity faces. From having too many people, the challenge now becomes too few human beings, inadequate birth rates and human life-spans that are too short. The only means to address the problem of a shortage of human beings would be to apply innovations such as age reversal using epigenetic engineering where human beings multiply and simply live indefinitely. 

If this is the case what is potentially foreseeable is the construction of floating cities some in low earth orbit others in strategic areas around the solar system. Since they are viewed as permanent contemporary off-world dwelling places with genuine real estate value rather than zero-g, uncomfortable and short term much greater public and private investments can be made that allow economies of scale to push the boundaries of construction to a scale not seen in recent history. Many of these cities considered as permanent rather than temporary dwelling areas may grow to be larger than cities on earth. People would buy into this lifestyle knowing that nothing goes to waste in an off-world city, everything including the air and waste is recycled, and every aspect of the city from medical treatment, transportation to entertainment is carefully planned such that people live and retire in an extraordinary society where no one feels excluded or lonely because the city is designed to acknowledge and remain in touch with all its inhabitants as part of how it is planned and managed. These off-world cities would not just be sought after because they are in space and built from the best technology, companies, households and individuals would prefer them due to the fact that, in terms of amenities, policing, family life and community they far more inclusive, connected, informed, involved and pleasant to live in than what has been historically observed on the ground on earth as a result of a different approach to how cities can be managed.

Eventually they could be built with minerals and materials mined from asteroids and processed in industries located on and operating from off-world cities as part of the business model. Manufacturing, construction and most industries may naturally migrate off-earth in these conditions. Building cities in space will take place at tremendous cost, the kind of expenditure only possible with an SV-Tech financial system which is itself evolving and increasing in economic strength, for instance, imagine building a city the size of New York with several major industries and thousands of square miles of open grasslands in five years or less - in space. Recent developments in laser technology, electromagnetism and quantum physics show that the knowledge, know-how and technology required for controlling gravity is just around the corner. This advancement would entail that gravitational fields can be created using quantum mechanics on any surface providing an alternative to using rotation for off-world cities and space stations, as well as offering new methods of propulsion. There may have to be regulations such as an earth gravity protocol, which standardizes gravity for general populations on all off-world cities to being the same as that on earth, however, with lower or higher variations in gravity allowed for special purposes such as construction, medical treatment, entertainment, training, exercise and other temporary conditions or activities. In all likelihood these cities built in space where gravity can be controlled [increased or reduced for purpose], air is healthy and purified, water is manufactured to high standards that is more pure than natural water found on earth, artificial light generated does not cause cancer,  with open spaces designed in such a way that they are indistinguishable from being on earth, everything is efficiently recycled, where people live in communities as they did on earth to work, raise families and socialize, where there are artificial open skies, beaches are pristine and paradise like, where there are open spaces with grass-lands and other environments, which can be moved out of station should it be discovered that there is a meteor, large debris or other projectile on a collision course, will eventually become safer, more comfortable and exciting to live in, than living on earth. Basically, these off-earth cities with their own governors, mayors, districts, municipalities, and administrative organs will come to be viewed as "heavenly" compared to the harsher more rustic natural conditions and accommodations found on earth which some may find too rugged and uncomfortable to live in unless it’s for a historic camping trip. Nevertheless, with new innovations and advancements in technology many people may still opt to live on earth, however, they would have wider options in terms of real-estate since they can now not only own property on earth but also own real state off-earth.

New Exodus: Change in mindset about cities in space with
millions of permanent residents.  Critical mass is what drives economies of scale
making grand scale city-size investments a reality.

It becomes more sensible to leave and arrive at these off-world cities when it comes to venturing into space.Returning to them will also be much easier than entering and leaving earth which for the most part may not be easy due to attempts to preserve its atmosphere, wildlife and so on which require controlled access. Much in the same way we see rural to urban migration today, most people may opt to live and work off-world on these man made extra-terrestrial cities to the extent that populations on earth will begin to diminish until the majority of people living on the planet are a minority who enjoy a planet surface life linked to agriculture, while others will be care-takers involved with conservation preserving earth’s cities and buildings that for the most part appear busy and populated only because they are used for history and visits by tourists coming in from their dwellings in space to experience what life on earth was like. Earth is also likely to be where major military bases that protect the home-world and off-world cities are stationed and where off-world military bases have some of their command posts and centers. A Star Fleet would oversee military presence in space, in off-world cluster cities, which form cluster states and on regional habitable planets.

Eventually, even agriculture itself may take place in vast farms situated in controlled conditions in space. Produce from earth may become rare but still farmed as a niche product much the same way some people prefer free range produce today and pay a premium for it. Though in the beginning space tourism will be an enormous industry, tourist visits from people being born and living off-planet travelling to earth for the first time to see wildlife, rendezvous with family and friends, drive on a earth highway, and see how their ancestors lived in some cities that are now tourist destinations may become just as great an industry. People could live in space and still own and lease out property on earth. The fact that eventually off-world cities could grow in proportion to populations means humanity will never run out of land. There could eventually be many times more people living permanently in space than there are on earth today. They see earth as their ancestral homeland and as such plan to visit earth at least as often as they can or at least once in their lifetime. The earth gravity protocol makes these visits natural. In this scenario real estate on earth would become exceptionally more valuable than it is today. It can be imagined that one of the most important cities that would eventually need to be built would be a main port for goods, vehicles, people and traffic in general going to and from earth to off-world cities first having to check in and be cleared through a main port and sub ports.

It would be prudent for all space territories that are secured, mining rights, missions, tourism, cities, commercial ventures,  travel etc would be recognized as being under one earth authority and any revenues from space would be taxed by it, not by individual countries. History in the divisions caused by the territorial Scramble for Africa, 1st - 2nd World Wars, conflicts, slavery, racial or ethnic and other tensions that exist to this day and divisive geopolitical wars have taught humanity that this kind of segregation should be actively prohibited in space by an earth government postured on the emerging frontier of space exploration and habitation. If this is not done history will repeat itself with worse outcomes, because unlike space these conflicts cannot be eventually managed away in the confined area of earth where people are forced to confront and overcome their differences. In space they would create a potential for inhumane suffering, unimaginable conflict and a perpetual war using the vastness of space and new technologies that will be impossible to contain. Therefore, the pain and carnage will be impossible to end. The port off-world primary city would by necessity require representation from all nations on earth with a human presence in space along the designs of the united nations, with general consensus that there are no geopolitical divisions allowed in space. All people and institutions on earth and born off-world have free and equal access to space within the rules and guidelines nations have conceded to. As a fundamental constitutional rule hate, segregation and intolerance be it racial, cultural, tribal or ethnic are a fundamental threat to mankind, a proven fact witnessed even today, will mean individual and institutional access to space will be pertinently denied and confinement of this kind to earth should be mandatory. This should be a part of the higher standards of the constitution that governs access to space. This would require a formal primary off-world city that handles and processes all formal rights be they legal, civic, mining, governmental and other official space activity as though it were one country and one authority with tribunals and that govern eligibility for access to space. This is to avoid hate, unnecessary competition and geopolitical disputes proliferating into space. It would probably need to be one of the early fully fledged near-earth, off-world cities in geostationary orbit. As it ventures into space, humanity should learn from history, as the same mistakes made while inhabiting the expanse of space, of which humanity has had no prior experience, will simply not be correctable as they have been in the confines of a planet.  

Floating man-made cities may tend to populate near valuable uninhabitable planets and focus on mining these planets for raw materials, precious metals and other resources required for building cities in space. Industries exploiting uninhabitable planets in the solar system would no longer be interested in earth as a source of primary materials. They would graduate from mining earth to taking their companies, expertise and knowledge in mining and processing off-world. They would hunt down and secure asteroids rich with more minerals, some in greater quantities than are found on earth and use these very minerals in space to construct new cities. This would naturally allow earth to return to its natural unpolluted state. In this scenario earth may even be declared pollution and mining free since resources can be obtained through innovative technologies using advanced mining rigs placed in strategic parts of the solar system and beyond mined by AIs and robots purpose built to hunt asteroids or withstand the harsh conditions on uninhabitable planets.

As human beings live longer the cities will obviously grow and so too will space exploration. Some floating cities may opt to change location or begin travel with some choosing to station and populate near newly discovered habitable planets. Where one city anchors, new cities may cluster forming new states and nations. Man made cities in space built to spec from scratch constructed with attention to detail will inevitably begin to look like paradise cities compared to cities seen today. And yet people will come to take this level of comfort for granted. One has only to look at the latest cruise ships being built today and how convenience, entertainment, and work are fully integrated to see that off-world cities are likely to follow a similar approach where every human need is catered to make the cities families and inhabitants enjoy general living standards far beyond anything generally experienced on earth today.

Cruise ships like Oasis of the Seas give some idea of 
what cities in space where citizens live, work and play 
may look like, where everything a society needs to live
comfortably is taken care of such that living on planets can no longer
offer the same level of safety, freedom and comfort. However, unlike
cruise ships the occupation is permanent, there are corporations with their headquarters,
universities, stores, tourists coming on and off,
and there is no distinction between travelers and staff. Many parts
of the off-world city, even the open spaces with trees and birds
 will be indistinguishable from being on earth. Cities
would of course grow to be hundreds if not thousands of times
bigger than this and being in space would have different design

To test off-world cities as a model would be for cruise ship building companies to actually build a fully operational city on a cruise liner based on a different business model, instead of just a holiday vessel. A city built on a cruise ship could prove far more profitable and be visualized as a mobile university-city where half or a quarter of the cruise liner has lecture theaters, bunkers for students, accommodation and offices for a fully fledged university offering qualifications of high quality. Earnings would come from accommodation and tuition fees (partly in place of ticket earnings) from students who enroll. This university would offer long and short term courses as well as weekend or week long corporate sponsored workshops. It would be integrated with the cruise ship, for example, performing arts, education, engineering, medical, culinary arts, hotel, management, ship navigation and management, accountants etc earning their diplomas and degrees would also be expected to work on the cruise ship to earn credits as part of their training and they would graduate with work experience. Staff employed on cruise ships would also be offered these courses and an opportunity to improve their academic qualifications as an incentive for working on the ship. Going to college or university on a cruise ship, getting work experience while you learn, being close to water and getting to see many new places and meet new people will have an allure conventional learning environments do not have, but would also lower the cruise ships operating costs. The public could buy or rent apartments and office space on the cruise ship, design and lease them out to tourists when they are not in use paying a commission from leases as well as certain monthly rates to the cruise ship owner. For instance, just 200 hundred luxury apartments on a cruise ship sold for outright purchase or by mortgage for US$2.5m each and bought as both a home and/or a commercial investment would raise half the cost required to build a cruise ship with the idea that by leasing out their apartments to tourists when not in use owners could recoup their investment in 5-6 years and can sell their apartments as an appreciating asset whenever they feel the need to. A commission on leased apartments and/or on every sale would go to the cruise ship owner. The monthly rates, house keeping and maintenance fees paid by apartment owners would be covered by their earnings from leasing their apartments. The commission the cruise ship earns from privately leased apartments (as well as rates and other basic monthly maintenance fees) can also stand in for ticket sales. Offices and apartments can also be leased to businesses that move their operations onto the cruise ship because it fits their company's business model. The safe environment for children, entertainment, amenities and lifestyle on cruise ships like Oasis of the Seas shows that this would be an attractive environment people that become permanent residents would want to be a part of. Owning an apartment on a cruise ship would be treated like any other real estate. Offices and other business premises would cost more. 

Rockets presently allow humanity to place small pay loads in space,
however, a better understanding of propulsion systems derived from
gravity will be able to move far greater payloads from earth to space at much lower cost than
has ever been imagined possible. This is due to the fact that payloads should be
assessed more in terms of buoyancy than outright lift capacity.

For instance,  engineers have to work out thrust or a rocket's lift capacity in comparison to the load it will transport from the earth's surface into orbit. However, when building massive cargo ships, cruise-liners and when submarines surface or dive , to determine lift or buoyancy engineers simply work out how much water the vessel will need to displace in proportion to its mass. Using Archimedes's principle, technically, the limit to what a gravity designed propulsion system can lift from earth into space is relative since this system could be designed to lift large payloads into orbit simply by applying the appropriate levels of
buoyancy. Once again this requires a change in mindset when it comes to understanding launch capabilities between two different propulsion systems. Though the prototype is already practically complete it will only be shown sometime next year.

The advantage of having the mixed combination of a university city, apartments, businesses and offices on a cruise ship combined with cabins for tourists would be the interesting environment, safety - especially for children raised in this environment, lifestyle and places the ship anchors each year. If the cruise ship could be enlarged from 200 to 1,000 apartments the increase in ship size or capacity would create economies of scale that generate more revenue than it cost to build the cruise ship. This model would allow investors to design cruise ships 4 or 5 times bigger than the largest ships available today with re-envisioned use of space because larger ships with a city as a businesses model can offer more attractive amenities and generate greater revenues. This gives some understanding of the working dynamics of an off-world city on a small scale. If people build or buy cabins in the woods, how much would people be willing to pay for exciting real-estate on a cruise ship or an off-world city, especially if they get to design their own premises using CGI prior to construction? Approaches like this show how off-world cities can pay for themselves. The larger the cities the more affordable the real estate and prices would eventually be generally affordable.

The ability to apply ship building techniques and technologies such as that shown in the video to
build large space stations and space ships with self sustained environments and echo-systems
will become useful as the technology and knowledge of propulsion 
allows these to be lifted into orbit or space regardless of how heavy or large they 
are. This will have a significant impact on space exploration, tourism and habitation. This is
where industrial know how on building space vehicles and habitations, which is often on a small scale
and ship building which is large scale, would need to find synergy.

Rockets currently offer the most powerful form of propulsion 
in the world, this rocket delivers around 440,000 lbf of thrust. The video is
of a Space X Raptor vacuum rocket engine. As powerful as the
raptor rocket engine is in the video, it is putting out by far much less than 0.1% of the
lbf (thrust) a Collision Drive should be capable of. The two technologies are quite different.

Nevertheless, rocket engines remain an important technology 
and can be harnessed by a Collision Drive, 
to significantly enhance propulsive force. Direct thrust from rockets
and jet engines simply hold no candle to the
thrust of a C-Drive, they are simply far too weak in comparison. 

Since both a jet and a rocket's burn are no 
longer useful for supplying thrust engines like these can be 
designed with much lower harmful emissions and even
have an exhaust system to contain emissions while they are harnessed
 by a C-Drive which provides thrust. So there is exponential 
potential for synergies and collaborations
between the two technologies 
that will help move companies and the industry way ahead of 
where they now, a Raptor Rocket engine harnessed
to a Collision Drive could lift payloads thousands of times heavier
with dramatically reduced harmful emissions.

The remarkable acceleration from a C-Drive
can be used to propel a car, jet and even rocket,
basically any kind of vehicle.

The C-Drive's purpose built inertial acceleration
should be powerful enough that it 
should allow space stations to now have consistent 
and ever-present artificial gravity, without the need for
rotation of the station. This is straight forward and
upfront artificial gravity at 9.8 Nm/s (1g) created
by the C-Drive.

A C-Drive harnessed to an electrical motor would 
produce no emissions at all. It is expected to be highly efficient
at generating thrust and should therefore offer extensive range
improvements to electric cars since they use up
less energy to cover the same speeds and distance.

The C-Drive is expected to generate buoyancy or 
create lift at low energy levels whilst consuming 
much lower levels of fuel which points to
improvements in aviation.

C-Drive buoyancy entails that no matter how heavy any
structure built on earth is, a custom C-Drive configuration
can be built to make it buoyant (float) and heavy
lift it into orbit or space. This is also straight forward
and will be essential to developments in space. 

The most pressing question for science, is of course, how fast
can a C-Drive propel a vehicle? Well, from a technical
or design point of view there should really be no limit to how 
much it can lift and how fast it can propel a 
vehicle in space. The velocity of a C-Drive 
is dependent on the energy applied to it, its proportions
and its manufacturing or build quality. There does not appear to
be a  reason why, in terms of materials, physicists would be unable to build it today 
and use it to test if the speed of light is in fact a limit. Its maximum velocity
can therefore best be described and determined by actually 
verifying its authenticity and capacity by putting it through its paces.
[For the skeptics: A Collision Drive uses little energy to, for instance maintain a 
continuous acceleration of 1g. The technology 
applied to rockets and jets is different from a C-Drive.
 For instance, when conservation of momentum is applied
to a rocket or jet engine, the ejection or gases propelling 
the rocket or vehicle move in opposite directions, which creates 
a tremendous drop in propulsive efficiency.

However, in a C-Drive the ejection and the vehicle move in the same
direction which allows for continuous acceleration with minimal
expenditure of fuel or energy. A C-Drive should therefore maintain
1g with energy and fuel efficiency for long durations.  
It would take roughly 1 year (354) days of constant
 1g (9,81 m/s^2) acceleration to approach the speed of light,
which is a feat far below the performance expectations of 
a C-Drive which should be able to maintain acceleration
many times greater than 1g.]

A Collision Drive is expected to
be exactly what rocket engine companies are 
looking for especially when it comes to 
finding ways of lifting very large payloads
into space at lower cost and with exhaust
systems that comply with the requirements
of the move to zero emissions.

Space-X rockets are remarkably engineered.

Having recently completed the technical aspects of a
new propulsion system, my Collision Drive [Patent Pending] may open
new doors to space and other types of travel 
when it comes to propulsion.

A C-Drive is expected to be capable of generating exceptional thrust and to be highly maneuverable.[Expectations: 1,036 HP harnessed to C-Drive: 100,000 lbf of thrust capped depending on use/purpose and for safety, omni-directional g-force-vectoring, ominous stability and maneuverability, air not required to generate v-tol lift or for racing downforce when on asphalt, seamless transition from ground to air and air to ground, on-demand lag-free acceleration, increased safety and interoperability]

Upon reaching orbit, the world's heaviest operational rocket will have burned about 400 metric tons of kerosene and emitted more carbon dioxide in a few minutes than an average car would in more than two centuries – Los Angeles Times, Jan 30, 2020

Aviation and space travel today is still based on age old
methods of propulsion with expensive albeit weak payload capacities limited to thousands of tons and speeds that reach their limit at around mach 15, which is far too slow. Technology based on rockets and jet engines are an admirable technical effort and achievement that deserves commendation, but they are slow and can release tremendous amounts of pollution that harm the earth especially with increased use. In any case they can be easily eclipsed, will soon be outdated and are just no match for what's on the way with ongoing advances in quantum mechanics. These advancements show that its time to move on from the rudimentary measurements assessed on the speed of sound and begin the more appropriate conversation based on the speed of light that make more sense when it comes to astronomical distances. Propulsion systems designed to use gravity based technology able to easily lift millions of tons into orbit, and travel many times faster with zero emissions and without the need for an atmosphere illustrated above are the future. (Its important to note that even fossil fuels of all kinds can have zero emissions with the right technology applied to them.)

We live in an age in which it is better to shy away from being reckless, and from unnecessary provocation and aggression, where it is better to talk of peace, equality, reconciliation and accelerated economic development that moves humanity to higher ground. Current propulsion systems that rely on rockets and jets are antiquated and inevitably a liability rather than an asset, compared to those built on gravity, because these can be deployed from anywhere in the world and arrive to disable a silo or launch vehicle  in less than the time it takes to press the trigger to release a payload. Its better to focus on peace, cooperation, collaboration, how to look after the earth, bring nations together, consider prolonging humanity's existence beyond earth and advance into space. Contrary to belief habitable planets will not likely be sought for settlement as is currently believed. Planets should be viewed more like an incubator or hatchery. Once a civilization advances off-world it may not seek to return into a planet, which is the incubation stage, it is in space where it can build every square inch of its environment to its own specifications, where it is free to multiply to its hearts content without ever having to worry about running out of land. If human beings have become accustomed to this safer, tailor made life, living off-world on designer abodes, they may no longer desire to live on planets which they now view as backward and cannot meet their needs. As children are born and grow up off-world, generation after generation living off-world will seem more natural than living on planets. However, human beings come in all types and variations and there will always be people who are drawn to and have an affinity for living on planets who may form new colonies, but there are likely to be strict guidelines concerning where and how these settlements are allowed to take place, with this being permissible only on semi-habitable planets with no life but that can be terraformed and stocked to create a new habitable man-made ecosystem. There are likely to be rules about how habitable planets can be engaged, as there may be resistance to mankind interfering with these natural habitats especially where intelligent life is evolving. New habitable planets will be sought after, not primarily for habitation because no one really wants to go back to that kind of rustic life but rather for strategic purposes such as a requirement to have concealed Space Fleet military bases that do not interfere with life on those planets or ecosystems, scientific research, tourism and the financial gains thereof. What will tend to happen with these newly discovered habitable planets is that they will be a curiosity, treated as conservation planets where some habitation takes place, but in a limited fashion where for the most part human interaction with these, like earth, is based predominantly on scientific research, harvesting unique natural genetic resources, conservation, extensive tourism and guided tours.

If human civilization evolves in this way the infrastructure to support hundreds of billions of people living off-planet, the continual manufacture of new cities in gigantic space docks that make ship yards where massive ocean going vessels are constructed to look like they are the size of a personal garage, will not only consume enormous physical and natural resources, they will also require economies and a financial system on a scale and level of management unlike anything seen in the world today. The only kind of economy that can afford to finance and support this kind of civilization is one managed on an SV-Tech system.

Phone home

If this is a natural aspect of how civilizations evolve, it may explain why human beings have not directly encountered or been approached openly by intelligent extra-terrestrial life despite Astrology indicating conditions exist to support this in our universe. The reason may be very simple. There are innumerable planets in the universe with life at various stages of evolution, some lower others equal and many more advanced than that found on earth. This means there is nothing particularly special about earth and human beings or their technology. Secondly, if advanced civilizations that eventually gain the technology to create transport systems that enable them to leave planets are not interested in living on planets because they can build far more comfortable, luxurious and exciting mobile city-size artificial environments in space to live on permanently this would mean they are not interested in earth for living purposes, neither are they interested in it for mining or other uses because they have outgrown this stage of civilization and can get any raw materials they need from planets that have not evolved life in infinitely numerous solar systems. Variations in gravity between habitable planets may also be a major inconvenience, especially for off-world civilizations where traffic to and from cities is quite extensive, whereas, off-world city clusters can have standardized gravity wherever they are stationed. They have little or no use for habitable planets and in fact may view them as a nuisance to avoid because they can’t be exploited for raw materials as this would interfere with the unique organisms that just happened to evolve there. It is also possible that intelligent extra-terrestrial life is also hard to find due to large cities in space being harder to detect than planets, especially if these cities tend to be smaller than planets because this makes them less cumbersome to manage, are easier to maneuver when the need arises and have been built with some form of defense such as being radio, radar and visually undetectable. If they are ever spotted its possible they may be mistaken for asteroids especially if these cities may often group together to form clusters which constitute "nations" or "states".

The Drake Equation 

The only real interest they may have in planets like earth is most likely to do with collecting information on unique genetic diversity, anthropology and tourism. They are aware of and have seen so many planet confined civilizations like our own that there is nothing really novel about human beings. Our science compared to theirs is likely to be fairly backward such that there is very little worthwhile to gain with making political and intellectual contact with human beings, contact with whom is seen more as a liability than an asset since (especially when it comes to technology) they have more to lose than to gain. Their technology may allow them to study human life and culture in extraordinary detail without being intrusive to the extent that making actual contact is not only patently unnecessary (they can grow us labs) but a buzz kill, like baby sitting the neighbour's kids when you’d much rather be out partying with your friends. What is very likely is that if humanity encounters other human beings living amongst these advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations it should not come as a surprise, as it is because they will have been harvested from earth and genetically engineered to live amongst these civilizations for purposes of diversity and to take advantage of unique traits only found on earth.   

NASA's search for life on other worlds.

Other advanced civilizations for the most part may ignore each other the way they ignore us. Advanced civilizations are likely to tend to be insular, infatuated with themselves, their own celebrities, sports, art, achievements, intrigues, more interested in their societies, businesses, social lives, socio-economic and technological development, religions, thrills and entertainment. There are likely to be extensive levels of incompatibility between species which discourages interaction merely for reproductive or social purposes. Other civilizations advanced enough to be off-world may be a curiosity and seen more as a nuisance and therefore not a priority to them although they may dedicate some resources to monitoring other such civilizations for the advancement of science and making contact only when this is caused by unavoidable interactions. Federations between alien civilizations are likely to only exist mostly with civilizations at the same level of advancement. If mankind is evolving in the same way then it too may arrive at a point where its citizens are no longer excited about new habitable planets discovered here and there or new advanced civilizations, because they are fed up of finding them and tired of the tedious nature of cultural inconsistencies, dangers of contamination or contagion and other complications associated with this kind of communication. They are more interested in visiting or migrating to the amazing newly built off-earth city that just recently anchored in Alpha Centauri or next to Mars, with daily tourist flights around the planet as well as excursions onto its surface where significant settlements have been built since it is a planet of historical interest to humanity. Even with human civilization surpassing trillions of human beings the fact that cities keep growing and stationing in different parts of the universe means it may still be felt there are not enough human beings born quickly enough to support the political and economic model that sustains mankind living in free space. In peace.

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